Hello, everyone. I will write a photo essay about Australia, mainly about the culture. I actually have visited there and lived there for 5 months. I had many exciting experiences, I want to introduce the most meaningful 7 experience with 7 pictures. First, wonderful opera house in my favorite place. Kangaroo and koala are famous animals in Australia. Especially koala can live in Australia only. I loved delicious Mango and I've firstly eaten avocado with salmon. In addition, Australia do not allow cigarette a lot. I miss the taste of mutton also.

This picture is the beautiful opera house. It is the structure immitating orange. But I can't think of orange when I firstly saw it. It was only huge and grand structure. Also because of its fame, many people went there so I also enjoyed being in the crowd. At morning, because it was near sea, the wind was fresh and salty. Water was shiny, and birds were flying around opera house. It was really beautiful. At night, opera house is changed by the light. I felt opera house like a cool person at night.
This is a cute kangaroo. I love kangaroo because they jump really well. I think kangaroo also smells stincky but it was okay. For me, it was so cute regardless of the smell. There was various kinds of kangaroo in zoo, but I think the gray kangaroo was most fancy, and it was cutest. When I touched it, it was really soft. In addition, baby inside kangaroo's pocket was extremely cute. I cannot express that cuteness differently by other term.
I also saw koalas in a zoo. I saw when they are not sleeping! They sleep more than 20 hours and their sleeping postures were really fun. Their skin was also soft, but little bit tougher than kangaroo. Koala cannot live Australia because they eat special leaf from tree that could only live in Australia. I actually thought about their habit, that they could easily die when they are sleeping. How could they alive until current times?
My favorite fruit in Australia was Mango. In Australia, according to memory, it was really big. Its colors were various from yellow to orange, but all of them were delicious. When I ate mango, I was really happy. My aunt made new method to cut the mango, by cube, and I also ate ice mango by my aunt.
I love salmon. Avocado is the partner with salmon. Because when I first ate avocado, it tasted like banana and wan't sweet enough. But finally with salmon, both tasted wonderful. I think it is really good vegetable for many people around world, because I heard it is good for our health.
One thing I was impressed on was the law they had about the cigarette. They had really strick rule about smoking on the street. I didn't saw any cigarette during my travel. Actually in Korea, street is full of smoke. I hate this environment. But Australia respects the people like me. I think it is a good country.
I just got one chance to eat mutton and its taste was better than beaf or pork. It was softer to chew than other meat. It is famous in Australia and Newzealand, and it is really tasty. I love this so I want to get a lot.
I think I was really nervous when I started to live in Australia. But with those 7 things, I was able to smile. Because the travel and life in Australia was not that easy, I had to cry a lot and want to go back to Korea. But these 7 experiences led me to get some positive feelings on Australia.
Tyler- you did an excellent job on this photo essay. You explained the pictures well and used words that helped me experience your love of Australia. Great job!
ReplyDeleteHi! Thank you for sharing your work! And I figured out that you added more explanations in you final draft. Good for you:) Nice pictures and detailed descriptions!
ReplyDeleteI'm just curious though; is there any special culture or custom of Australia that you were surprised at?
Anyway, thank you for sharing!